Women Rock IT - virgence
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Women Rock IT

About This Project

This innovative visual campaign makes the promotional statement for women in technology.
This international campaign for Asia Pacific regions combines a striking and versatile event brand perfect photography. Symbolizes and promotes engagement in A male dominant field? Nerds only? Code has to be your second language? No creativity and you will have to move to Silicon Valley…? WRONG! This multi-faceted promotion was used on the Women Rock IT website and CiscoLive TV and Webinars. For those in attendance of the live TV broadcast of “Women Rock-IT”, heard from “Rock’in” Cisco women that challenged stereotypes and turned their passion for technology into rewarding and successful careers.

Completion of the webinars got a glimpse of what it is like to work in technology at Cisco. Unique insight is represented from peakers in different stages of their career and different parts of the business. Graduates of the program received certification that IT is a world of possibilities and a Technology careers can be as varied, exciting and as glamorous.


International and Asia-paficic regions. Young women and those interested in a technology career will attend this webinar.

Art, Photography