Supernatural Startup FX - virgence
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Supernatural Startup FX

Supernatural Startup FX

When you finally decide to get a demo video to promote your startup you will be faced with a number of styles to choose from.

Here are style examples of the 10 most popular promotional video styles:

  1. 2D Animation
  2. 2.5D Animation
  3. 3D Animation
  4. Live Action
  5. Infographic
  6. Screencast
  7. Live Stop Motion
  8. Digital Stop Motion
  9. Whiteboard
  10. Phone/Tablet App

2D Animation

2D animation is one of the most popular startup video styles because its relative simplicity and affordability. Typical price range is $5K-$10K per minute.

2.5D Animation

2.5D animation combines 2D and 3D elements in the same animation.
Sometimes all the elements can be 2D but are animated within a 3D environment to give the animation some additional depth. Typical price range is $7K-$15K per minute.

3D Animation

In 3D animation most or all elements are three dimensional which can make the animation considerably more complex to animate and substantially more expensive.
Typical price range is $10K-$30K per minute.

Live Action

In pure live action demo videos all footage has been recorded using a video camera in the real world. Some titles or effects may be added in post-production to enhance the final video.
The need for real live actors, locations, props, film crew and extensive post production can make live action videos very expensive.
Typical price range is varies a lot $5K-$100K+ per minute.


Infographic demo videos are a type of 2D animation that relies heavily in typography by advancing a virtual camera over words, numbers and images in a fluid motion.
Typical price range is $5K-$15K per minute.


Many startups create their own screencasts because they are the cheapest demo videos you can produce. Typical price range is varies a lot $0-$500.
All you need is some screen recording software like Camtasia or Screenflow and a microphone.
With a little bit of patience and imagination you can make them pretty cool and effective.

Live Stop Motion

Live stop motion demo videos are the most tedious type of video to produce.
Every frame is photographed separately so the scene can be adjusted slightly in between takes.
It can take weeks to produce a 1 min stop motion demo but the final results can be amazing.
Typical price range is $20K-$40K per minute.

Digital Stop Motion

Digital Stop Motion uses the sample principle as live stop motion except that everything happens within a digital environment.
Typical price range is $10K-$30K per minute.


RSA Animate has made stop motion whiteboard demo videos world wide popular with their beautifully crafted inspirational pieces. Typical price range is $30K-$100K per minute.

Phone/Tablet App

With millions of iPhone, Android, iPad and smartphone and tablet apps available the need for demo videos showcasing them has increased exponentially over the last few years.
Typical price range is $2K-$7K per minute.


At Virgence we specialize in 2D, 2.5D, and 3D demo videos. To get your own Virgence startup demo video send us a note at Virgence.

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