Video in your Trade Show - virgence
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Video in your Trade Show

Video in your Trade Show

We’re going to a trade show and we’re launching our awesome new [insert your life changing product or service here]. It’s going to be awesome! We’re going to steal the show and everyone will come running to see us! Wouldn’t it be awesome if this was true!

The truth is trade shows can be brutal. You’re one booth smashed together in a sea of other booths, all trying to one-up each other and get their life changing product or service noticed. So how do you stand out in the crowd and get noticed? It’s simple, video.

  • You want to show someone how your product is used? Make a video.
  • You want to show someone how your service works? Make a video.
  • You want to show someone how you produced your product? Make a video.
  • You want to show someone that their life was empty before the invention of your product? Make a video.
  • We could go on and on here, but I think you get the point…..MAKE A VIDEO!


Grabbing someone’s attention and being noticed at a trade show is not always easy. You’re placed alongside other attendees who have nailed it down to a tee – either through their experience of trade shows, research specifics or maybe their product is just a natural attention grabber (or they’ve got some cool giveaway items!). Let’s look at a few strategies (using video of course!) to make your booth stand out and get attendees anxiously waiting to see you even before the event has started.

Creating A Message

Rule #1 of trade shows, establish a theme. You don’t always have to get super creative. If you’re struggling for a theme for the event that represents your product or service, look at how you can get creative with the theme of the trade show or event you are attending. Chances are, there’s something you can spin off and incorporate into your brand and messaging

You need to spread the word that you’re attending the event, line up people to meet with, and prime the sales pump for greatness. Look at creating messages that generate excitement. How can you tag the event? How can you gain interest? Where are other vendors posting and how are they gaining attention? Rinse and repeat.

So how does video play into creating a message? So happy you asked! Video is essential in your messaging. Posting video, or a video series, to gain attention on your attendance at the trade show or event will gain you 4x more attention than posting static content alone!

Here’s a few video content ideas to get you started:

  • Show your preparation.
  • Highlight a few of your give away and promotional items?
  • Give a few sneak peaks on your booth set up.
  • Show your excitement as you open the boxes and boxes of merchandise and collateral you have pouring in for the event.
  • Create a how-to series for your product and explain the many uses and why it’s life changing.
  • Showcase your service and how it’s helped others.

Getting The Message Out

Now let’s get the video message out. Social media is excellent for this! Post the videos you’ve created on your social media channels and create some buzz. Mix the videos in with static content and pictures. Post often and make sure to use any event hastags for extra attention. Don’t’ be afraid to tag the event itself and other business and key people attending. You never know, you might peak their interest and share your videos and content!

On your website, use the videos on your homepage, and on any sales pages, blogs or articles related to the event. You’ll hold your visitors attention longer and get your message across.

At The Event

Ooooo, so many possibilities for video at the trade show! No need for fancy camera’s, let’s put your phone to use!

  • Incorporate video into your booth. Have the videos you’ve been creating (or a new one!) on loop on screens in your booth to really show how your product or service works. No greater visual!
  • Walk around the event and take some videos with your phone. Pull them together in a RendFX motion graphics template for a comprehensive look at the event for your following.
  • Post live updates while at the event! Walk around and show everyone what’s happening and how you’re doing. Find people to interview. Show how attendees are interacting with your product and their excitement.
  • We could keep going, but don’t want to give away all the secrets J

After The Event

Creating video is also essential after the trade show is packed up and over. There is still excitement to capitalize on after the event has ended!

  • Pull together a few recap videos of what happened at the event.
  • Create a video series of interviews you conducted and use them as promotional content on social media and your website.
  • Do a livestream of your thoughts of the event and your success.
  • Pull videos you created before, during, and after into your follow-up emails. You’ll see a higher conversion rate on your emails having used video to grab the recipients attention.

What’s the takeaway here? Video.

If you aren’t incorporating video into your content and promotion strategy before, during and after a trade show or event, you’re losing out and potentially leaving a lot of money on the trade show floor. You’re videos don’t have to be highly polished and professional, it’s simply important that you create, use, and promote video content that will resonate with your audience and event attendees.


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